Internet Terms
      The following terms are referenced from preceeding site and put into my own words and 

(1)    NETWORK – a system of interconnected computers

(2)    LAN – Local Area Network; communications network; regional; confined geographical area.

(3)    WAN – Wide Area Network; interconnected groups of computers; national and international.

(4)    FTP – File Transport Protocol; functions, directories, etc., governing data transfer.

(5)    TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – Set of rules and regulations 
        for transmission control of data over internet.

(6)    ISP – Internet Service Provider; organization that provides access to internet.

(7)    WEB BROWSER – Program that enables users to locate and access web sites.

(8)    WEB SITE – first page of possibly many, also know as domain name; unique name on 

(9)    WEB PAGE – a single page on web site, that can contain many, introductory page, that can
        contain hyperlinks to other pages and sites.

        (10) URL – Uniform Resource Locator – The address that defines the route to a file on       
            the web; typed into browser, which then links to site.

(11)   SEARCH ENGINES – Software that searches for data and sites on the internet; 
        based on some criteria.

(12)   FAVORITES/BOOKMARK – An option on a computer or web site, that allows 
        a person to save indicated site, for later reference, just by clicking from list.

(13)   HYPERLINKS – A linkage between one site and another; either as text(usually
       in blue) or as an icon. 

(14   INTERNET TRAFFIC – The capacity, active or potential, of internet  